Seth Marshall

He's finally here! Our little boy Seth Marshall was born on November 19 at 6:37a.m.  And praise the Lord for c-sections, is all I can say. :). A brief birth story:

We came home from church Sunday night and began our routine; showers for Josh and Noah, and a little computer time for me. About 9:30pm I was  scanning my Facebook updates, when all of a sudden my water broke. (Boy does that ever make a mess! I was so thankful I was in the privacy of my own home and not still at church.)

Joel and Hannah happened to be visiting on their way further south,which turned out to be an even bigger blessing because we knew we could leave Noah with them.  I began doing all the things on my list (pack my suitcase, take a shower, etc) and timing contractions.  Everyone went to bed, and I lay down too, though sleep was out of the question with contractions every 5 minutes.

By 3;45am I couldn't stand it anymore--contractions were every 3 minutes and extremely painful.  I woke Josh up, and we left for the hospital around 4am.  

When they checked me at 5:30am (after 8 hours of labor), I was fully expecting to hear that I was dilated to at least 4 or 5, and was shocked to hear "1 and 1/2, and baby's head is still floating way high up there--not at all engaged."  One and a half? How could that be? Remember, at my last Dr appt, I was already one cm.  How could I labor 8 hours and only have progressed half a cm? At that point I could see the writing on the wall, as the doctor said "c-section".

After a few tears on my part, they began prepping me for surgery.  By 6:37am on November 19, Seth had been born!  He was 9 lbs 4 oz, 22 in long.  Though I desperately wanted to avoid a c-section, it seems this was the Lord's plan for me.  Praise God our little guy is here!


Ruth said…
Congrats again! I hear you on wanting to avoid a c-section but that not happening. That's really odd that you weren't dilating. At least now you know if you are pg again to just plan on a c-section (and skip the 8 hours of labor) as very few doctors will do a vbac after 2 c-sections. Were you at least able to avoid general anesthesia? I had general for 2 and a spinal for Ian, and that was MUCH better than general since Paul could be in the operating room (actually he wasn't even in the hospital when I had Oliver) and also I didn't have to wait hours to see my baby like I did when I had general anesthesia. I'll be praying for a smooth recovery for you. It's great you have so much help due to family coming for the holiday. I missed that this time. I had zero help after Oliver and I came home from the hospital whereas when I had Ian and Nadia my mom came to help out for a few days. Congrats again! I love the name Seth! :-) I would hsve loved to have been a fly on the wall when Noah met Seth.

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