Another Big One
39 weeks. We went in for an ultrasound today, and they estimate the baby is currently 9lbs 13oz and not interested in coming out anytime soon! (The margin of error is about 15% in either direction, so the baby could be smaller or bigger than that: probably between 8.3lbs and 11.2lbs right now.) I am 1cm dilated, but not effaced a bit, and his head is still very much "floating" and not engaged at all.
The plan for now is to wait it out another week (please, Lord, let him come this week!!!), and if there's still nothing happening at my next appointment on my due date, we'll probably go ahead and schedule a c-section for sometime after that. If you could pray that I go into labor on my own, and--miracle of miracles--be able to deliver on my own, I would greatly appreciate it!
P.S. We got to see his little face! I cried. :)