Quotable Quotes

Here are 3 of the deep ponderings and observations made by Noah, age 4, over the last few days.  (I NEED to start writing more of these down)

"Everything is good for you if you eat just a little bit.  (thinks for a second) "Except concrete and walls and caulk and glue...."

"Bagels hurt my hands to pick up--they're so wide!"

(holds up a scroll-like object) "This is JUST LIKE what they used in Bible times when they didn't have any paper: a squirrel!"


Ruth said…
Yes, it is good to get these written down. I need to do it more often also as I so quickly forget them, and I know years later I'll find them amusing and endearing.
Carrie said…
My dining room wall has Ps 23 on it. We got in online. It is vinyl wall art.

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