The Dreaded Call

My sister Leah called me the other night, and I knew the second I saw her number pop up that it was Not Good News.  My mom lives with her, and being as I'm such a phonophobe (a word I made up, meaning I-can't-stand-the-phone-to-the-point-that-I-avoid-most-phone-calling-situations. Sad, but true.), my sister and I just don't communicate that much by phone.  Well, anyway, I answered it and found out that my mom had fallen in her room on Monday night and hurt her knees badly.  She was in the hospital, and would be for a while. Leah was using words like, "bone chip" and "foot dropped" (you know how if you're sitting on something high and your feet just hang pretty parallel to the floor, and you can flex and point your foot at will?  My mom's is currently pointed down at the floor and there isn't anything she can do about it. She can't flex it upward at all.)

I'm sad for my mom, hurting and going through therapy and rehabilitation until she is able to walk again.  I have been praying for her a lot throughout the days, and if you think of it, maybe you could too!  I know she'd appreciate all the prayers on her behalf.  Pray for her physical strength, yes, but more importantly for her spiritual encouragement.  Hospitals aren't very restful places, and I can imagine it's easy to get discouraged, especially when you can't even walk across the room to grab a tissue or what-have-you.

We love you, Mom!  Praying for your recovery and that you'd grow even closer to the Lord during this time!


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