A New Year

This new year caught me a little off guard.  You wouldn't think so, since it's no surprise that after December 31 must come January 1.  How many times have I seen that happen?  I think it had something to do with Christmas and New Year's Day falling on Sunday this year.  As fitting as it is to attend church on those days (especially on Christmas), I have to admit it threw me a little off.  I've been scatter-brained enough on my own these days without adding date confusion! Anyway, enough about my quirks.

Except I have to tell this story:

Noah started back to school today, and while he was there, I went over to Jen's to do some planning for the ladies' meetings (y'all should come--they have all the makings of GREAT times!).  When we finished, as I stood up to leave, I headed over to Brianne's room to do the customary, "Ok, Noah, time to get your shoes on."  Only I didn't see Noah.  He's been into hiding lately, so I looked in Titus's room.  No Noah.  I turned to Jen.  "Where's Noah?"  Blank stare from Jen.  Then she kindly reminded me that I hadn't brought him and he was at school.  

I thought I'd give you a glimpse into the kind of stuff I've been struggling with lately.  Throwing away checks worth $300 (you don't want to know!), forgetting the whereabouts of my son, stuff like that.  No big deal.   *sigh*

SO, assuming I don't completely lose my mind between now and the end of the year, here are some of my goals for the New Year:

1.  Spend more time with the Lord.  I have a regular Bible-reading plan in place (read through the Old Testament once and Psalms and the New Testament twice.  Hello, Robert Murray McCheyne!), but I'd like to spend more time in prayer this year.

2.  Spend less time on Facebook.  Gasp!  I haven't decided yet whether to completely quit or just greatly reduce time spent there.  I am fully convinced that FB has some merit, such as the encouragement of others, but it can suck time like nothing else.  Not to mention the pangs I feel when I see yet another pregnant belly photo or complaint from one of the high percentage of my friends who are pregnant.  Just keeping it real!  Anyway, I haven't been to FB in nearly two days, and I'm fine!  Maybe I'll check it once a week or something.  I don't know; still tweaking this one.

3.  Reinstate Noah's chores.  I had a great chore chart that we were using, and then gradually over the last few months I began to do Noah's chores for him.  For shame!  I don't know when or how it happened, but one day I watched myself setting the table (his job), clearing the table (his job), and finally it hit me when I found myself making his bed (yep, definitely his job) that This Has Got To Change.  This week I printed out another chart and got the stickers ready.  Now for the follow-through...

4.  Figure out what to do about homeschooling vs Christian schooling.  Ask me today which way I'm leaning, you'll hear one answer and tomorrow you may very well hear a different one.  This cannot be.  Sometime before August (probably before) we have to figure this thing out!  Prayers for wisdom appreciated!  

5.  Exercise regularly (at least 5x a week).  I went to put on a pair of khakis the other day, and they wouldn't button or zip.  Nuff said. :)

There are probably other ones, but that's enough for now.


Ruth said…
I bought a new exercise DVD on Amazon this week (used Swagbucks so it didn't really cost me anything). I also decided I needed to start exercising now that I'm not walking to the park every day. So hopefully we'll BOTH get into an exercise routine although I'm hoping that BOTH of us outgrow our pants bc we're pg. I fully agree about FB. I love FB, but I don't like how easily it can drain too much of one's time. I'll be praying for you re: your choice for education for Noah. I think they're both good options (since I was a part of Christian schools from 1977-2003 and plan to homeschool my kids). If at some point we decide to stop homeschooling - Christian school will be our next option.
Carrie said…
I haven't wrote my resolutions yet..But I always do at the beginning of January. Mommy moosh brain is common in all of us, but thanks for the laugh. Been praying for your upcoming appointment, and will add schooling decisions. I am praying about the same thing here..what to do next year. I am hoping to start some program with Abe toward the end of this month (Letter a day like I did with the other 2). I am also starting up a Ladies Bible study come mid January. Miss you so much but glad I can keep up with you guys this way.

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