October Already
Seeing as I haven't been blogging very faithfully despite my new found time each morning (ahem!), I figured it was time for a news report of sorts.
This is a picture of Noah and his soccer team. It is really the only recent picture I have of him. I need to get better about taking pictures. What else is new? If you can't find Noah, he's the one with the drink in his hands, and the shin guards peeping out of his socks. I love four-year-olds. :)

Noah's team has lost 2 out of 3 games they've played, but don't tell Noah. He just has fun playing!
Here's what else has been going on:
I had 3 teeth removed last Wednesday. "Removed" sounds so delicate in comparison to what it was. In my opinion, people should not be awake while things are being extracted from their bodies. Just saying. They gave me Laughing Gas which really, contrary to its lighthearted name, is anything but. At one point they overdosed me and I found myself feeling so completely out of control and unable to move or communicate except to cry. Thankfully they got the message and turned down the gas, at which point I began to feel much better. That is, apart from the fact that there was a pair of pliers in my mouth causing undue pressure and uneasiness. *shudder* I return to my point that people should not be awake while having body parts extracted...
Praise the Lord, I seem to be recovering quite well, and was even spared the chipmunk cheeks I was dreading. Blessings!
We are planning, Lord-willing, to take a trip up North to see friends and family, not to mention some pretty fall leaves. Noah has only read about autumn in books, so I can't wait to show him what it really looks like.
Noah seems to be transitioning out of naps. At least, maybe he should be. That child still has no trouble whatsoever going down for his nap. It's waking up that's the issue. He will sleep 2 1/2 to 3 hours almost every day, but usually wakes quite grumpy. Some days I even have to wake him up! BUT. Then when he goes to bed, we hear him awake in there until 10 or 10:30pm. I don't think he needs to be sleeping as much during the day (perhaps not at all?), yet our evenings don't lend themselves to early bedtimes. I would think if he gave up napping, his bedtime would have to be earlier. Opinions? Transition times are always tough.
This last item will have to wait for its own post because I'm out of time. And yes, I'm going to leave you in suspense. It's probably not what you think. :)
Glad you've recovered from having your teeth removed. I've had all my wisdom teeth removed, and I didn't have laughing gas for any of them - just a shot to numb the area. Would you believe that when I was in middle school I actually had dentists remove permanent teeth without ANY pain medication? I found the shot to numb the area to be more painful than having the tooth extracted so I had some removed without any shots, laughing gas, etc. The dentist was amazed. He said I have a very high tolerance to pain. I was very grateful to find out several years ago that they had developed ways to numb the area prior to the shot that aren't as painful as the shot. I don't decline the shots any more if I need dental work done of some sort. I had the same opinion as you though with my first egg retrieval. I thought that should have been under general anesthesia.
I have more to say but not more time to write right now. I'll send you an email a little later tonight!
As far as naps, Hannah had a LOT of trouble waking up REALLY grumpy from naps for about 6-months when she was 3ish? not sure on the age. She did finally outgrow it. I would say that a quiet time (~1 hr)is essential during the week, but maybe encourage him not to go sleep--let him read or play quietly with legos or trucks or something. We listen to PTP CDs and when the CD is done, they can get up. If he does take a longer nap though, you might try listening to PTP at bedtime so he has something constructive to listen to while he's laying there awake. Earlier bedtimes are good though too if you can arrange it. Actually, if he's sleeping 2-3 hours in the afternoon, he could almost certainly benefit from an earlier bedtime. For what it's worth, Peter will still usually fall asleep if he has his head on the pillow for more than 10 minutes in the afternoon. If I think he needs sleep, we start quiet time with "pillow time"--curtains drawn, head on pillow. I set the timer for 15 minutes and then come check on them. Hannah's almost always awake and Peter's almost always asleep. I open the curtains and let Hannah read while Peter snoozes. Hannah stopped falling asleep during rest time around about 4-1/2. And even for Peter, if I let him play quietly or look at books, he will only RARELY fall asleep for nap time. Hope this helps. :o)