Mommy & Noah Time

Courtesy of the rain, Mommy & Noah time was brought to you today by Play-doh,

some cookie cutters,

and by Mommy's inner ballerina.

Sometimes I just can't help myself. :)


Carrie said…
Cute, you made me smile and chuckle
Melanie said…
Aunt Joanna,

This is Daniel. That looks really, really cool! Tell Noah that his stuff is cool, too. This is what I like about your ballerina: the legs are so perfect, and the dress is perfect, too! How did you do that? Can you write back to me to tell me more about it?

We will see you soon, and I love you very, very much. And I love Noah, too.

Ruth said…
Very nice! My kids are never going to see their Mommy make such a nice Play-Doh creation.
Anonymous said…
Lovely! :-)

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