Reading Practice

One of Noah's favorite activities these days is for me to write out words and let him sound them out. He gets so excited when he gets them right! Yesterday I decided to start writing a full sentence to see if he could get a whole idea. Now, these sentences are not complex by any means: Six words at most, and usually the words are 3 letters or less.

Today I made sure to get a video of Noah practicing his skills on a sentence he'd never had before,

"The cat is on a hill."


Way to go Noah! I can't wait for you to read some to me! See you soon.
Carrie said…
My Titus goes back to the beginning like that, I don't have sound on this computer but I could tell it was super cute and I love his excitement!
Ruth said…
Way to go, Noah! How exciting!!! I can't wait until Nadia reaches this stage. What a thrill!! Way to go, Mommy, also as you helped him get to this point!

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