A Thing of Beauty
On Saturday, some ladies from Truth Baptist Church got together for a ladies' meeting over at Laura's house. Only this wasn't some ordinary meeting, the was a Ladies' Luncheon. And it was at Laura's. Meaning: it was going to be beautiful.
I run the risk of embarrassing Laura, but I think you need to know that she has a real gift for making things special and nice and, well, beautiful. I can't think of another word to describe it. She knows that ladies crave beauty, and that it feeds our souls in a way, and she works to create beauty for us all. I admire this in her, because I tend to be the opposite: get it done as practically as possible. Functional. Perfunctory. It's not something I'm proud of, but I notice when I'm hosting a party I'm the one drawn to using paper plates. Tablecloth? It'll just get spilled on; don't use it. Get out the Sharpie so everyone can write their names on their red plastic cups. That sort of thing. Which makes it all the more wonderful when I can experience true graciousness and, here's my word again, beauty.
We all brought food, and it wasn't the picnic fare that is so often served for a crowd. There wasn't a bottle of ketchup in sight. No, instead there were Chicken Salad Croissants. Fresh fruit. A gorgeous salad. Lady food! After the delicious meal, we enjoyed a discussion of the Proverbs 31 Woman, who embodied true beauty. I think we were all challenged and refreshed. What a great time!
#2 I'm the same way - not into all the "extra" stuff (well I did put a tablecloth for our Easter dinner). Your friend reminds me of a former student of mine (she's a little older than you). Here's her blog - http://coffeechaosandcontentment.blogspot.com
#3 if Noah is writing all his letters, have you taught him to write them correctly? That can be a problem with kids who learn to write at a young age. It's REALLY hard to break bad habits in terms of letter formation. His preschool teacher is going to be thrilled in August because that's a very tedious part of being a preschool teacher - writing every child's name on every paper, art project, etc. They are always thrilled when a child learns to write his/her name!