Man Plans His Way

I've experienced a crazy turn of events here in the last few days. This is a long story, which I don't have time to write about in detail (maybe someday!), but here are just the highlights:

I was praying about a way to take Noah and go visit my mom in Pennsylvania.

The Lord seemed to clearly answer my prayer in the form of an idea that would cost far less than the $650 plane tickets, which we could not afford right now anyway. The idea was to ride along with a lady I knew who was going to be driving to PA in May. I could pay for half the gas, and help her with the driving, and Noah and I would get to PA affordably.

Every detail seemed to be falling into place.

I shared this answer to prayer during testimony time on Wednesday night.

Then on Thursday, the woman whom "my ride" was going to visit took a turn for the worse healthwise, requiring my ride to leave for PA almost immediately and stay indefinitely. Could I go with her?

I could leave immediately, but I couldn't stay indefinitely. A week is about my max (Josh couldn't handle my being gone longer than that. Awww.).

I checked into one-way return plane tickets, but they are expensive, and more than we can afford right now.

So, just like that, I'm not able to go. I'm trusting the Lord, and I know that He knows best, but I'll admit that life can certainly be confusing when it looks like a plan is the Lord's will and that He designed it, only to have it be reversed with one turn of events. I am disappointed, but I know that God is in control. This was no surprise to Him!

"The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps." Prov 16:9

"Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the LORD will stand." Prov 19:21


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