Congratulations, Joel and Hannah!
Surprise! Josh's brother Joel and his wife Hannah had a baby yesterday! This had been a matter of much prayer and concern in our family over the past few days, since Hannah was only 32 weeks pregnant, and was suffering from preeclampsia. Praise the Lord, baby Lauren Grace was delivered safely April 8, at 10:30am. She's a little peanut of a thing, only 3lb 10oz, and I'm in love with her already. She is SO cute!
In looking at the pictures of this little sweetheart, I am reminded of God's magnificent power in creating new life. I was just reading the other day the words from Psalm 139:13 "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb."
We will be sure to keep praying for Joel, Hannah, and Lauren. It seems as though Lauren may have several weeks in the NICU ahead of her until she is developed enough to go home. We all are so thankful for the advances of medicine and for the grace of God in sustaining the life of such a little person.
Congratulations, guys! Can't wait to meet her!