We should have finished our alphabet study weeks ago, but we just finished yesterday. I lost motivation around Christmas time, and then once I realized that Noah already knew the entire alphabet, including the sounds the letters made, and how to write the letters, I lost even more motivation to keep going. But finish we did! Yesterday we made our last alphabet baking project, which was Zebra Stripe Cookies. We made only one cookie in the shape of a zebra (*cough* horse), because it was clear that making them all into zebras would prove frustrating, to put it mildly. The zebra (*cough* horse) cookie cutter had the tiniest, skinniest tail, and such skinny little legs, that one was enough. We would still be there, cutting out zebras, if I had not swiftly decided to make them into squares instead. :) Josh wasn't in love with these cookies, and neither was Noah, but of course they were right up my alley (I've never met a cookie I didn't like!), so I had to promptly package them ...