To Josh, Happy 30th Birthday!
Josh's birthday party turned out to be a great time! We had a few people over, ordered bbq, and enjoyed celebrating with Josh.
It's been 10 years since Josh and I had our first date--that was the week before Josh turned 20, and I can remember thinking 20 sounded old. Well, maybe not old, but definitely securely into adulthood. Established. Mature. HA!
We got married when we were 21, and thought we had it together. Eight years later I know we didn't. (If you're struggling mentally with the math problem of how we could have gotten married at 21 and eight years later Josh is 30, it has to do with the timing of our wedding and Josh's next birthday. We got married in December, the month before Josh was to turn 22. So we've been married for 8 years, and now Josh is 30. Get it? Trust me anyway.) Have it together, that is.
Are you with me?
Didn't think so.
So as I was saying, I know now we didn't have it together at 21, any more than we have it together at 30. The good news is, the Lord keeps working on us year by year.
At thirty years of age, my husband is more sensitive than he was at 21. He's a little more able to handle the emotions of his hyper-sensitive wife, and is a little less likely to say "Buck up, Buck-o" to me like he used to. A little less likely. :) He is more likely to bring me roses on special occasions and help out around the house. These are all good news and each one of these changes has been met with much rejoicing!
Josh has many many ideas in his head, most of which are entrepreneurial (try spelling that 5 times fast!) in nature. He has goals, dreams, and setbacks just like the rest of us. He loves his little boy, especially now that Noah is more interactive. Josh loves to work hard. He's my best friend in all the world, and I love him more now at 30 than I did at 21.
Happy Birthday, Josh! You're only firty once!