The Kiddos
Jen and I have discovered the joy of free babysitting when you have family living in town. :) We have begun trading kids at least once a week, and it really helps both of us out. I even find that when I'm the one babysitting, I get more done around the house because Noah and Brianne play together. This means I'm no longer the Chief Playmate, and I'm free to do a little housework. I don't need to tell you how much I can get done when Jen babysits. :)
Sadly, Brianne stood up just as I was snapping this photo so I kind of cut off her head. Sorry, Brianne! I took this to show you that Brianne is at the Dump-Out-Every-Bucket-Of-Stuff-You-Can-Find stage. This was about the 5th bucket she had dumped. Also sadly, she is not yet at the Put-Everything-Back stage! Neither is Noah, for that matter. Something must be done about this...