The Kiddos

Jen and I have discovered the joy of free babysitting when you have family living in town. :) We have begun trading kids at least once a week, and it really helps both of us out. I even find that when I'm the one babysitting, I get more done around the house because Noah and Brianne play together. This means I'm no longer the Chief Playmate, and I'm free to do a little housework. I don't need to tell you how much I can get done when Jen babysits. :)

Sadly, Brianne stood up just as I was snapping this photo so I kind of cut off her head. Sorry, Brianne! I took this to show you that Brianne is at the Dump-Out-Every-Bucket-Of-Stuff-You-Can-Find stage. This was about the 5th bucket she had dumped. Also sadly, she is not yet at the Put-Everything-Back stage! Neither is Noah, for that matter. Something must be done about this...

We have all boy toys, so Brianne certainly gets her share of playing with cars while she's here.

I love this face!


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