A Little Behind
So I'm behind on blogging. Again. I have a very good excuse though, which is that Josh's parents are in town! Last year we all mutually decided that it was a sad thing that we would go up to Freezing Conecticut in the winter and they would come visit Sweltering Florida in the summers. It just doesn't make sense! So we decided (why did it take us so long?) to swap--we'll start doing our visiting when our respective states are in their Balmy Seasons. For Connecticut, that would mean May-August. For Florida, November-April. Much better. :)
Anyway, so Josh's parents flew in late Monday night, the 15th, and are leaving on Monday morning, the 22nd. As usual, this has been a busy visit! These folks would never just go have a beach vacation where there was nothing to do but read a book and soak up the silence. Action is key for them, so we're always busy going places and doing things. Mostly work. :) This week Josh, Matt, and Dad have been working at different projects; including the installation of a heating/cooling unit over at Matt's multi-family, and transporting Josh's shed from our current backyard over to Cellar Cir.
The girls have been taking it easy by comparison! Jen and I have swapped cooking duties so that we've each had a couple nights "off" of kitchen detail. Mom has been watching our kids for us so that we could get work done, practice special music, and we even went shopping ALL DAY yesterday without the kids! THAT was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! It was so much fun to spend time with Jen shopping all day. I can't even put it all into words what an enjoyable time that was. :)
In true Joanna Style, I have managed to take just a couple pictures of all our activities, one of which is at the top of this post. And as usual I missed the biggies, like the disassembling of Josh's shed, playing the Wii as a family, and our adventures in shopping. Oh well. I'm starting to think I'm just not cut out to remember to take pictures. I'm too busy trying to keep everything else straight and not be a complete scatter-brain.
So that's what's been going on this week. Hope you've had a good one as well!