I thought I'd record what life is like with Noah these days, at 18 months old.
We are SO close to potty-training. He's ready, I just have no clue how to go about it. What I'm doing isn't working very well. He's not very motivated by M&Ms, which apparently was the ticket when I was potty-training. I've got a couple books on hold at the library and once they're ready I'll pick them up and get reading. The sooner we're out of diapers, the better.
Noah has started putting 2-word phrases together, and by far our favorite is "Bye-bye, Daddy!" which he says when Josh goes to work or when Noah is going to bed. If that doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what will. :) If I can ever get it on video I'll have to post it.
He definitely has a will of his own, and is a great lesson for me in The Sin Nature of Man. Sometimes I have to think, "Who teaches these kids this behavior?" and the resounding answer is, "Nobody. It is behavior that doesn't need to be taught. It is rebellion deep in the heart of every one of us." I'm talking about stuff like: he'll get all "slippery" if he wants to get down when you try to hold him. You know what I mean! I don't even have to explain it. :) His favorite word is, "NO!"
Noah is a great imitator! I was hanging a picture on the wall the other week, and Noah saw me do it. The very next time he got hold of a hammer, he took it to the wall I had hung the picture on and started banging away on it. Dented it all up and everything! He also has taken to saying "yeah" instead of "yes", which is totally and completely my fault. This is what I say, try as I might to remember to say "yes". So while other southern children are learning to say "Yes, sir" or "Yes, ma'am", my dear son is out there saying, "Yeah." Because I do. I'm trying to change that habit both in him and me.
Noah loves to be read to. His favorite books are about motorcycles, construction vehicles, and animal sounds.
I love our little boy!!