Beautiful Evening

We enjoyed the most beautiful day yesterday, which turned into a beautiful evening. We decided to spend some family time together and go to a different park close-ish to our home. It definitely didn't offer as many activities as our old favorite, but it was still fun! Here's our family playing on the slides.
So excited to slide down the big slide

Josh gave the twisty slide a try

So did Noah. I think he was waving at me, which explains the blurry hand

Noah was dismounting the slide, which is why he is blurry, but I still like the expression on his face enough to use the picture.

Below (I hope) is a video of me and Noah riding the slide together. I haven't seen this video yet, so it will be a surprise for me too. I do remember that I fell off the slide at the bottom, and I don't know if Josh captured the full glory of that or not. I guess we'll have to see! :)

On a "real life" note, lately I've been struggling a bit with my temper where Noah is concerned. He fusses a great deal now and I think I contribute to it. I'm not sure exactly how, but I'm praying the Lord will give me wisdom. Do I play with him too much so he expects not to have to play on his own and therefore he fusses? Is he frustrated by his physical limitations, seeing things he wants to do but can't because he lacks the motor skills? Do I simply ignore the fussing too long and then snap when I've had enough? Maybe all of these. All I know is that it's become a problem which needs attention. I need all the Lord's wisdom I can get!


Carrie said…
We have been sledding 3 times - not much snow but fun anyway - I do miss that warmness though - I would love to go to the park.
I remember vividly the period in my life I struggled with anger (It became a matter of daily prayer and careful words) I ecsp realized I only lashed out with mean words when I was alone, so I realized it was a choice and mostly have victory now. Love and miss you!

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