A Cold Day in Florida

Last week I was kind of smirking to myself that my fellow Floridians thought it was cold. "Pah!" I said to myself, "I'd like to see how they do in actual freezing temperatures."

I got my wish.

Today, for the first time ever in close to 5 years of living here, I saw icicles. ICICLES! IN FLORIDA! The funny part is, they were not from some massive ice storm. No, they were from some subdivision watering their landscaping and then the water froze on the grass and trees in that one section of land. What's my point? It's actually freezing out there, folks! Well maybe not right this minute~I think it's 40 or something. But this morning? Freezing.

Noah and I went to the park today after running some errands, and it was like a ghost town. Normally there'd be at least half a dozen kids running around, and some people walking their dogs or jogging, but not today. Today, I think the dog owners in this city are wishing their dogs were potty-trained and the exercisers are dusting off their old workout videos. :)


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