Josh's 29th Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Josh's last birthday in his twenties. :) :( He is dogmatic that he wasn't celebrating another year older, but rather another year of life and opportunity. (Rolls eyes) Whatever you want to call it, Josh is now 29 and we had SO MUCH FUN! The Party's HERE! The decorations Me with a plateful of hamburgers and hot dogs He almost blew them out in one breath! The guests. Left to right: Will Martin, Mr. Bundy, (the back of) Matt, Mrs. Bundy, me, Noah, Josh, Dave Wright. A special THANK YOU goes to Jen, the photographer. My camera is sadly powerless right now, as silly me left its charger in Connecticut and just discovered it was missing this week. As far as I know, it's in the mail and I should be back to my picture-taking self (ha!) once it has been properly charged. (I just realized Jen isn't in any of the pictures! Maybe I'll go back and find one of her that I can add!)