My High School Reunion

Would you believe it's been 10 years since I graduated high school?! My reunion was Friday night, but being as it was on Cape Cod and I am in Florida, I had to forego. I have mixed feelings about missing, but mostly I just can't believe how quickly time goes by! Does it pass this quickly for everyone?

I am still without a voice, so it's probably good I couldn't go, as I wouldn't have been able to really converse. I managed through my Sunday School lesson today, but only because I had the kids tag-team tell the story. They did a great job with Daniel in the Lions Den, and knew all the details anyway. It was fun to hear them tell me the story for a change. :) Hopefully soon my voice will return.

Finally I just want to say what a great holiday weekend this was! From the time Josh got home on Wednesday night until today, we've had a great time as a family just relaxing, resting, and enjoying each other. It has been refreshingly unhurried, and Josh has spent some one-on-one time with Noah that he usually doesn't get to do. This was one of the blessings of this Thanksgiving weekend! Even though we didn't get to see any family, it was nice not to have to add stress to the week by packing up and traveling, living out of a suitcase, and sleeping in beds not our own. Plus, Josh was a bit ill, so he was able to rest up and take a nap every single day, which he needed.

Back to work tomorrow!


The Stewardess said…
It does indeed go by that fast for everyone. Now that I am 30 though, it does not seem to matter as much. There is no getting around the fact that I am no longer a "young person," as in "what are the young people up to these days?" The sad truth is, I have no idea what the young people are up to these days.
Ruth said…
Well my 20th HS reunion will be in 2009 so I am feeling old when I think of that!

That's great Noah & Josh got more one-on-one time over Thanksgiving. I love that Paul gets one-on-one time a few hours a day four days a week and although I am looking forward to being home the next month I am bummed she won't get as much time with her Daddy. Daddy time is important also!!

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