15 Month Check-up

We went to the Dr today for Noah's 15 month check-up. He's now in the 60th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. He was 27.2 lbs and 31 1/2 inches tall. He's a pretty healthy little guy, and I'm so thankful his percentiles are averaging out. I think I've mentioned before, but I was SO worried he'd be big all his life when he came out of the womb in the 99th and 97th percentiles for weight and height!

My friend Ruth asked in the comments section what signs I've taught Noah. Those would be (in order that I taught them and he picked them up): More, Please, All Done, Eat, and Thank You. These signs have served us pretty well, though there are plenty more I could use and don't. These are the ones that have cut down on the whining a LOT, since he's able to at least communicate these ideas. And the Thank You is just for common courtesy. Now that he's picking up words by mouth at a quicker rate, the need for signing should start to diminish. One other sign that I'm planning to start using before we quit signing is "Potty".


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