Happy Thanksgiving!

Or should I say, Thanksliving! That was the main thought at our Praise and Thanks Fellowship on Monday night. Giving thanks to God should be my way of life, not only reserved for one day in the year.

But I am thankful for this one day in the year to dwell on all the richness and blessings that the Lord has given me.

Deut 28:1-11 tells about the real first Thanksgiving. The pilgrims may have started it for us in America, but on Sunday Pastor Masitto pointed out that they no doubt had the Old Testament in mind for their celebration. God lays out for us in this Scripture how He wanted to be thanked: with our Hands and our Hearts. Giving of the firstfruits of the land that was harvested, and giving thanks verbally out of an overflowing heart.

I will be bringing Green Beans to the Bennetts tonight for dinner, and maybe some cookies or a pie. As for my heart, well, I thought I'd share a few of the blessings that the Lord has given to me, and remember Him in thanks.

1. Probably at the top of my list this year is the Lord's grace. His grace in saving me; yes, but more than that, the grace that He gives me each hour of each day if I call on Him. Living life in my own strength is nothing but frustrating, but I find if I remember my God and call on Him for grace, He gives it. The hymn "He giveth more grace" keeps running through my mind. My favorite verse is the 2nd one:

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father’s full giving is only begun!

How many times do I lose steam halfway through the day. Joanna's strength is gone, but God's grace is there for the asking. Praise the Lord!

2. My family. God has given me a husband of almost 7 years, and a little boy! What a blessing to have a family! Our extended family too; they are so special to me. I would love to give each one of them a hug today (and maybe play a board game or two with them!) :)

3. Our church. What a year this has been for our church! I mentioned previously that it has become a family over the past year. I love all the people, and am so thankful that the Lord has given us a place to worship in times like these when good churches are hard to come by. Pastor Masitto has been such a blessing in the church as well. I have never seen a more servant-hearted man who honestly loves the people!

4. Our health. I can say as we battle The Sniffles this year, that we are so thankful to the Lord that He gives us good health most of the time!

5. Our financial provisions. The Lord has richly provided all of our needs, despite past mistakes. We are not suffering from want, and this is a reflection of the Lord's gifts to us! I want to remember that it is the Lord alone who gives increase, and causes us to succeed.

6. This free country. I realize that in the future with the new leadership taking over, that we may begin to lose some of our freedoms. But I can say that I am thankful for the ones we have enjoyed thus far, and that I know that "the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord!" God is even in control of the leaders in government! I've been reading through Ezra as part of my daily devotions the past couple days, and was struck with how many times it is mentioned that the Lord directed the circumstances through the actions of the king. We don't have to fear what may come in the future as long as the Lord is in control.

7. My God. I started with Him and I think it fitting to end with Him. He is so loving, forgiving, patient, and holy. I am so thankful that He loves me and that He cares about me. I cannot wrap my mind around why God would even give us the time of day, but He does infinitely more than this. I am thankful for all that He is!

"But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works." Ps 73:28

Pictures of the day to follow! If I remember... :)


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