So What's New With YOU?

Holly, this one's for you!

I was talking to my childhood best friend, Holly, the other night on the phone. After we caught up on our kids' lives, she said to me, "So what's new with you?" And I tell you, my mind went blank. Blank. What's new with me? Hmmm..... I'll have to get back to you on that one! I spend so much of my time and energy on Josh and Noah that....well....what IS new with me anyway? So I decided to blog about that for a change.

For starters, I'm really enjoying the Sunday School class I teach. It's first through third grade, and I now have 5 students (we've had 2 new families come recently and they seem like they'll be pretty faithful); Molly, Aria, AnnaMarie, Bryan, and Alex. They're a spirited group of kids and fun to learn with. This Fall quarter's theme has been Finding God Trustworthy, and we've been seeing in the lives of Bible characters how they trusted God even when it didn't necessarily make sense from a human standpoint. This week's lesson is on David and Goliath.

I'm also discovering my latent love of grits. Yes, GRITS! I bought some for Noah in hopes of finding some breakfast food he likes other than toast and eggs, and found that I love them! I've been putting cheese on them and it's just yummy. There's no other word to describe it.

I've been reading up on photography lately, and my interest in that is growing. I'm learning the role that light (and too much of it) plays in photos, and I'm fascinated by it all. I hope to really start getting better at photography in the coming months and years. Which brings me to my next point:

My biggest wish right now is for a new camera. I don't mean a little dinky point-and-shoot. I have one of those, and am having trouble with it. The videos are grainy, and the pictures are many times blurry or over-exposed. I want a NICE camera. One you have to change the lenses on, and get to choose for yourself how much light is let into the camera. I'm saving up some money to buy one, and Lord-willing can get one before too long (I hope!).

I've been reading Pride and Prejudice in my "spare" time (ha ha). I have started it a couple times in the past, but never finished it. After seeing the movie a few times, I decided to pick it back up and read it again. I'm enjoying that!

I've been cooking and baking a lot more lately. In the last week, I've tried several new recipes and liked most of them. I usually buy cookies for Josh's lunches, but wondered if it wouldn't be cheaper (and tastier) to make them myself. Last night I made Oatmeal Raisin Coconut cookies, and we couldn't stop eating them! I'll let you know if it really is cheaper to make cookies. I have a feeling it is, but then can our waistlines handle it? We ate a LOT more of the homemade cookies last night than we would have had they been Oreos. :)

One day a week (probably Fridays) I plan to start using our Errand Running time in the mornings to take Noah to visit shut-ins from our church. There is one lady that had a stroke several months ago and has been in a nursing home ever since. I know she gets pretty lonely and loves when people visit her. I figure taking Noah might add a little sunshine and teach him about visiting others in the process.

Let's see... I desperately need a haircut and plan to get one as soon as time allows. (Which means as soon as Josh has a spare hour or two to stay with Noah. Can you IMAGINE taking Noah with me to get a haircut? I'd rather let it grow, thank you very much!)

Well that's what's new with me! Now what's new with YOU?


Ruth said…
If I made homemade cookies I can tell you it would NOT be good for my waistline (or Paul's if I made a kind he likes also). I hope though some day to learn self-control as I sure do want to make cookies with Nadia when she's a preschooler and beyond! I was thinking maybe if after I made them I put some in the freezer and only had a few out at a time that might help. Cookies are VERY tempting for me. I can resist things like cake much more easily.

That's cool about photography! Although my sister has a cheap one, she has studied it a fair amount and IMHO has become quite a good photographer. I enjoy looking at her pics and I am sure will enjoy yours as well (well I already like seeing pics of Noah and such but you KWIM I think).

To add to your ideas for Noah as I think you said he likes music (I remember you saying during playpen time you play Patch the Pirate CDs) - MUSIC time with Noah could include marching around to a CD, playing little instruments (even a wooden spoon on a pot, LOL), singing, finger plays, etc. Nadia likes our time at the piano and I want to make it a routine some day...

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