Just Call Me Ma'am

Sometime over the course of the last few years, strangers have quit calling me "Miss" and have moved straight to "Ma'am". I realized this today, after my third "Ma'am" of the day. All of a sudden I thought to myself, "HEY! I'm getting OLD!!!"

My Sunday School class of 6-8 year-olds reiterated this fact to me as they were discussing the fact that they were all young. And I chimed in with, "and don't forget about me; I'm young too!" They stared at me. Stared. Any minute I thought one of them would twirl their finger in the air around their ear in the classic "crazy" sign. They thought their 28-year-old Sunday School teacher was nuts for thinking she was young too!

Tell me I'm not nuts.

28 is still young...RIGHT? Not that being old is bad, it's the way it sneaks up on you that's unsettling. :)


Ruth said…
To a child, especially as young as your SS students, anyone in the role of teacher is OLD. I had a student call me an old fogey (sp?) while I was 20 years old teaching 6th grade so they were alot closer in age to me than your students are to you. Anyhow you are NOT old. I think under 30 is definitely still young. I wouldn't say I feel old but I do feel more like "middle age." Paul just referred to us that way on Saturday and it struck me but I thought if he lived to 78 then yep he'd be at the middle in January when he hits 39. As for "maam" that's also a southern thing. We don't hear that/say that up here but I got in BIG trouble in Kindergarten for not saying yes Maam no Maam etc all the time to my teacher but we had just moved from PA where it wasn't said even back in 1977.

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