Fingerpainting; The Lead Balloon

It's raining today. All day. Long day.

No possibility of going outside. And outside is our relief from inside. When he's ransacked all he can ransack, I let Noah outside to play in the backyard while I pick up the pieces. But today? My house looks like a tornado went through here. Noah just went down for his nap, and I'm claiming a couple minutes of rest before I get up and make sense of the debris...

In desperation for Something Productive To Do, I brought out the fingerpaints, which I had been saving for just such a rainy day as this (only I had hoped to wait until he was a little older, but oh well). After wondering for 15 seconds what would make a good smock, I just decided bare skin was the easiest to clean, so I took Noah's shirt off, set us up, and got ready to paint!

Only he didn't like it! Not one bit. He went from sheer fear of the fingerpaint bottles (what is that about???) to confusion over the paints (am I supposed to eat them, mom?). He then progressed straight to crying and refusal to paint. I gave up. I guess I'll save them and try them again when he's 2 and maybe then he'll have recovered from his anxiety!

Until then, I may just take up finger painting while he's napping. It's quite relaxing actually. :)


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