Our Daily Schedule

This is one post that might make you yawn. How boring to post what I do all day! But this blog is as much for me as it is for you (actually, probably more for me truthfully), and I want to remember what I did each day. Sometimes it helps to see it written out, especially on days that don't go so well and I feel as though I didn't do much. So here goes:

7am: Get up (this is half the battle!)
Breakfast with Noah
Noah's playpen time/I clean up kitchen and get Josh out the door
1 Chore
Play with Noah

10am: Noah's Naptime
Read my Bible
2 Chores

11:30am: Lunch with Noah
Run Errands
Outside playtime (at the park or in our backyard)

2:30pm: Noah's Naptime
Marketing work for Josh
More chores if necessary

5pm: Make supper
Eat supper
Clean up kitchen
Family fun time

8:30pm: Noah's bedtime
Relax and unwind with Josh

10pm: Joanna's bedtime

So in case you were curious, that's what I do each day! Every other Monday I go grocery shopping, Tuesdays are laundry day and library day, and Thursday mornings I watch our little neighbor boy Caleb.

That's all folks!


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