My Sunday School Class

Beginning yesterday, I am now the teacher of the 1-3 grade Sunday School class at our church. I am taking the place of Carrie Bennett, who is giving birth TOMORROW to her little boy. Understandably, she will be unable to continue teaching for a while. :)

I have 4 "regulars" that come~all girls. The class went really well yesterday, learning about Elijah calling fire down from heaven to consume the soaking wet sacrifice (and the wood, the stones, the altar, and the water...imagine that!) in front of 850 false prophets. A couple of the girls were already familiar with the story, so they were supplying details that they remembered.

I am excited about this new ministry opportunity and pray that the time with these children will not be wasted, but will be profitable for them. :)


Carrie said…
I'm glad to hear it went well. Sometimes Aria tells her "video tape" version of the Bible stories...they are not always accurate. Thanks for taking over.

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