Almost from the minute Noah was born, Josh has been pursuing this project: To Get A Motorcycle "For Noah." Now I say, "For Noah" like this because really. Can a baby use a motorcycle? Josh (and his brothers) would probably say YES! Josh had a little money set aside from the sale of his old motorcycle to put toward a littler motorcycle "for Noah." (again, I can't resist the quotes) He's been looking here and there on Craigslist and finally found one for a good price this week. Today he has been introducing Noah to the thrills of a motorcycle.

I took a video of the experience, and I should note two corrections in my narration of the video:

1. I mention this is a "new" motorcycle. By that I mean, New To Us.

2. I say that Noah doesn't seem too impressed by it. I. Was. Wrong. Noah is absolutely in love with this thing! Silly me, I tried to interpret his lack of a smile for indifference. But! Try to take him off, and he wants right back on. Leave him alone with it, and he is touching it, making motorcycle sounds left and right. Definitely Rowley behavior. :)

One other thing I wanted to mention, and that is that Noah can now say "motorcycle." It sounds like this: "Guh!" The "g" sound is very gutteral, so it sounds like a "c" and a "g" at the same time. The only thing I can figure about why "Guh!" means "motorcycle" is the following experiment: Say "Motorcycle?" out loud to yourself in a high-pitched voice. Go ahead! I'll wait... Now, doesn't the last syllable sound like "Guh!" to you? I know. Pretty far-fetched, but that's my only explanation. :)


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