
Showing posts from September, 2008

Our Daily Schedule

This is one post that might make you yawn. How boring to post what I do all day! But this blog is as much for me as it is for you (actually, probably more for me truthfully), and I want to remember what I did each day. Sometimes it helps to see it written out, especially on days that don't go so well and I feel as though I didn't do much. So here goes: 7am: Get up (this is half the battle!) Shower Breakfast with Noah Noah's playpen time/I clean up kitchen and get Josh out the door 1 Chore Play with Noah 10am: Noah's Naptime Read my Bible 2 Chores 11:30am: Lunch with Noah Run Errands Outside playtime (at the park or in our backyard) 2:30pm: Noah's Naptime Marketing work for Josh More chores if necessary 5pm: Make supper Eat supper Clean up kitchen Family fun time 8:30pm: Noah's bedtime Relax and unwind with Josh 10pm: Joanna's bedtime So in case you were curious, that's what I do each day! Every other Monday I go grocery shopping, Tuesdays are laundry day...

Weaning Noah

Progress report: there's been no progress in weaning Noah. I dropped him down to one feeding at the end of August, and for the life of me I can't drop that last one! It's the nighttime-just-before-bed feeding, and I love it. He loves it. So what's the rush? Dropping it means I have to find an alternative way to get him to sleep at night, and it seems that every time I've said, "Ok, tonight's the night to drop that feeding," something happens that makes me change my mind. So the current plan is to drop that feeding by the time he's 5. Just kidding!! Sort of. :) In reality, I'll probably try to be done by 18 months. We'll see how it goes...


It's 61 degrees out there this morning!!!!!! Thought you'd like to know! Makes me want to go get a pumpkin or something. :)

Happy Fall!

I don't know what's going on here in Florida, but we have been enjoying the most gorgeous Fall-like weather. What a blessing! Normally Noah and I max out about 20 minutes into playing at the park. He drips with sweat, and I'm not much prettier. :) Thankfully though, yesterday we were able to spend almost an hour out there without breaking a sweat. My complaint about Noah these days is I haven't been able to get a decent picture of him. He's so not into smiling for a picture, and would much rather grab the camera or run off to find something more interesting. The result is I get lots of profile shots or blurry action shots because he decides to run at the last second. These days you have to practically nail that boy's feet to the ground if you want him to stay still!

Like A River Glorious

This week was kind of rough for me. My infertility struck again, furnishing me with the hope and belief that this time would be different, and then blindsiding me with the harsh reminder that I am not made like other people who can plan their families; how many children they want, even how closely spaced in age they are. I was so sure this was it , too. "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick" Prov 13:12 My heart was pretty sick this weekend. This was (I found out) perfect timing for Revival services at our church which began today! Feeling ill and emotionally spent, I went to church and heard a message that God must have whispered in the preacher's ear just for me. I think I cried through the whole thing, it was that on-target. Pastor Jonathan Stanley from Illinois preached a message on The Peace of God. Here is the gist of it: 1. Peace with God (salvation) Eph 2:13-17 Rom 5:1-2 2. Peace of God~through faith and dependence on God, this is the kind of peace that circumsta...
Almost from the minute Noah was born, Josh has been pursuing this project: To Get A Motorcycle "For Noah." Now I say, "For Noah" like this because really . Can a baby use a motorcycle? Josh (and his brothers) would probably say YES! Josh had a little money set aside from the sale of his old motorcycle to put toward a littler motorcycle "for Noah." (again, I can't resist the quotes) He's been looking here and there on Craigslist and finally found one for a good price this week. Today he has been introducing Noah to the thrills of a motorcycle. I took a video of the experience, and I should note two corrections in my narration of the video: 1. I mention this is a "new" motorcycle. By that I mean, New To Us. 2. I say that Noah doesn't seem too impressed by it. I. Was. Wrong. Noah is absolutely in love with this thing! Silly me, I tried to interpret his lack of a smile for indifference. But! Try to take him off, and he wants right back o...

A Whole New Kind of Dangerous

Let me tell you, walking into your kitchen to discover this does not do good things for my blood pressure! So I guess Noah can climb on chairs now! It all happened very quietly, so you've got me as to when he learned to do this. :) And I usually leave the most un-kid-friendly stuff on my kitchen table too. Knives. Pens. My vitamins. Keys. You know, Stuff You Don't Want Them To Have. I guess I'll have to move all that to higher ground now! In other news, we got a betta fish last week. He's living very happily in a fishbowl on our (high) countertop ledge. If I can figure out a way to take a picture of Gill without getting a horrible flash glare from the glass, I'll do that. He's really beautiful; blue with a red tail. And he's quiet, doesn't eat much, won't scratch Noah, and I don't have to walk him! This makes him the perfect pet for us at the present time. Anyway, the day awaits!

Congratulations, Carrie!

My dear friend Carrie Bennett gave birth to their newest son (this is #3) yesterday! Abraham Josiah Bennett was born at 7:42am weighing 7lb 13oz and 20 1/2" long. I went to visit them at the hospital today, and little Abe is such a cutie! And Carrie wins the prize in Looking Good After Delivery. She looks fabulous!! The Lord has answered our prayers so far for a smooth delivery and we trust He will continue to answer our prayers for healing (with 2 kids already at home, healing is key!). Congratulations Carrie! I'm so happy for you and your family. :)

My Sunday School Class

Beginning yesterday, I am now the teacher of the 1-3 grade Sunday School class at our church. I am taking the place of Carrie Bennett, who is giving birth TOMORROW to her little boy. Understandably, she will be unable to continue teaching for a while. :) I have 4 "regulars" that come~all girls. The class went really well yesterday, learning about Elijah calling fire down from heaven to consume the soaking wet sacrifice (and the wood, the stones, the altar, and the water...imagine that!) in front of 850 false prophets. A couple of the girls were already familiar with the story, so they were supplying details that they remembered. I am excited about this new ministry opportunity and pray that the time with these children will not be wasted, but will be profitable for them. :)

Beach Fun

You wouldn't know we live close to the beach judging from how often we go, but today was one of the rare days we decided to head to the shore.
So that you all won't think I'm a purely a staunch disciplinarian (I had bruised my hand in the last post, for pity's sake!), I decided to tell about some of the more melt-my-heart moments, the ones I want to cement in my mind for when Noah is older and perhaps not so attached to his mama. I love it when Noah is eating and manages to maneuver a loaded spoon into his mouth without spilling the contents. The look on his face is priceless. "SEE Mommy? I did it!" Occasionally before a nap Noah will lay his head on my shoulder for a little snuggle. He woofs at passing dogs. When his daddy walks through the door at the end of the day, Noah positively lights up and runs to be picked up by him. Before climbing a staircase, Noah reaches for my hands so he can climb it like a "big boy". He hugs his blanket and any stuffed animals. And ME! Noah dances. Okay, so it looks more like deep knee bends, but I know it for what it is. He does this when he hears music. Price...

"This'll Hurt Me More Than You"

Ever hear that right before you got a spanking as a child? Yeah. Me too. And I never believed it until I had to dole out my first spanking as a parent. It's TRUE!! And today I felt this phrase's truth in more than just the emotional sense. I physically bruised my hand while spanking Noah's hand. He was right beside the open dishwasher, so I was trying to avoid smacking my hand on the dishwasher door. Mission accomplished, but in the process I managed to use the joints of the tips of my fingers to spank him. I saw stars. And Noah? He was fine. Not even a whimper! That'll show him. :)

Happy Labor Day

We spent the day...well....laboring. :) Really, it was just a normal day for us. I went grocery shopping, cleaned up the house, played with Noah, etc. Josh went to work. But! This evening we are planning to go to the Bennetts for dinner with some other folks from church. Should be fun! The pictures above are just random fun shots from the past few days. I hope your Labor Day was a good one.