My First Mother's Day
This year, the Lord has changed my mourning into gladness! I have my Noah Samuel, my "Comfort that I have asked of the Lord" as his name means. I am so thankful to the Lord for allowing me the privilege of rearing Noah and experiencing all the joys and trials motherhood has to offer. It is a tough job! Harder than I imagined, but also more rewarding than I imagined. His smiles, his laughter (see the post below where I have the video!), the joy of watching him learn, feeling his soft's such a gift! My prayer this Mother's Day is that I would grow to be the kind of mom that is outlined in Proverbs 31. This was the passage which the sermon was based on this morning.
Finally, I wanted to say that I am so thankful for the godly influence my own mother and my mother-in-law have on my life. The prayers and the love for me; for loving the (at times)unlovely and for encouraging and exhorting me! You both have shaped my life for the better, and I rejoice in you. Happy Mother's Day! :)
(The picture below is of my friend Carrie and me at the Mother's Day Brunch our church had yesterday. She is also the one who took us to the zoo and has been a great friend to me over the last couple of years.)
SOOOOOOO Happy to finally be able to tell you that! I hope you've had a wonderful day!