Disaster Man!

Josh and I have decided that if Noah were a superhero, his name would be Disaster Man (Josh actually prefers Disasto-Man, but as I've pointed out to him, "Disasto" is not a word...). Like the old story of Midas's golden touch, Noah has a "disaster touch." For that reason, if it's too quiet around here, I usually drop what I'm doing and go investigate. Noah can sometimes play by himself and not wreak havoc on our house, but that's usually not the case. Usually I find something has been ransacked or he's eating something disgusting or..... the possibilities are endless! A few days ago, he had gotten into the pantry as you can see in the photo above. Never have I seen him look so proud of himself!

But the other day I noticed it had gotten very quiet. Too quiet. So I went into the playroom and found this.....

Noah staring out the window! I couldn't figure it out, 'til I realized that the man across the street was mowing his lawn and Noah was glued! He was just watching the man go back and forth across his lawn with the mower. He is just like his daddy; loving all things motorized! A vehicle can go by our house and Josh can tell me without looking whether it was the FedEx man or the garbage truck, the mailman or a work van. It's the same with power tools too; Josh knows them all without looking. It's absolutely incredible, and I have a feeling Noah will be just like him in a few years. This is wonderful news to Josh, who keeps yearning for a Rehabbing Buddy and can't wait until Noah is old enough to go with him and help him with projects.

For now though, we're working on not destroying everything in sight...


Carrie said…
What a cute photo of him at the window. You know they have to tear things apart so they know how they work...or something like that..hope you are having a good week.

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