Bike Seat: 1, Joanna: 0

My job for yesterday was to assemble a child seat for a bike and attach it to the bike. I failed. The bike seat beat me!! So I waited til Josh got home and (as usual) he was able to solve the problems and get the thing attached. YAY! Now we have more options than just the stroller. :) Now before I get comments about how Noah should have a helmet, I know! We just took a spin down our street to try everything out. If we venture any farther, we'll have to have a helmet for Noah. Below is a little video of Josh coming back down the street with Noah in tow.

To tell you the truth, I thought Noah would be **slightly** more impressed by the new bike seat than he was. Maybe if we all ride together and go farther than our neighborhood, the excited-factor would go up a bit! Then again, at that point he'd be wearing a helmet, and he usually doesn't like stuff on his head. ;)

This evening we are expecting Josh's aunt and uncle and family--the Fosters--to arrive on their way through to south Florida. They will be staying the night with us, and then passing through again next week. We look forward to seeing them!

P.S... Have you ever noticed that if you listen back to your own recorded voice, it sounds nothing like you think you sound?? This drives me CrAzY!! Josh assures me that, "Yes, you do sound like that!" Totally weird!


Ruth said…
I agree about the voice thing. I prefer the way my voice sounds inside MY head to what it sounds like when I listen to a recording, LOL!!!
Carrie said…
I think he loves the bike seat - it looks so fun! I don't care for my recorded least that's not the voice I hear all the time:)

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