The Perfect Gift
"What should I get our moms for Mother's Day?" I asked Josh. He's used to this question; neither of us is very good at gift-giving. This is not because we don't want to give gifts. No, this is because we both have a perfectionist vein which deeply desires to give The Perfect Gift. As early as a month prior to an occasion we begin investing much thought into what we should give, and then dismiss several decent options because they're just okay. We can't give a gift that is just okay. We need the PERFECT ONE! Meanwhile the date in question marches ever steadily closer. Finally, in a desperate attempt to give something before it's too late--because we still haven't arrived at The Perfect Gift-- we... (wait for it).... go to Amazon and order a gift card that we then email to the person the day of the celebration. Nailed it! *rolls eyes* So, if you've been one of our lucky Amazon gift card recipients, this is why. It is because we love you fiercely, and we desperately want to get you The Perfect Gift for your birthday/graduation/new baby/wedding/special day. We just don't know what that Perfect Gift is!
So Mother's Day is coming and I didn't know what would be the perfect gift. Josh suggested I have the kids make some cards and that I should draw each mom a picture of a bird (my latest artistic outlet). So that is just what I did. Perfect gift? Probably not, but I thought of our moms the whole time I was drawing, and that, I think, is what they really would want. I love you, Mom!