Catching Grasshoppers
Seth is my bug man. He loves trapping them, catching them, playing with them, trying to feed them... Today we were out in the yard, trying to make it to lunch time without snacking (honestly this is a rarely-attained goal in our house!) and I suggested we try to catch some grasshoppers. This was met with excitement and so, if you had looked over the fence into our backyard about 11:40 on Monday morning, you would have found Seth, Eden, and I alternately stalking and then pouncing on the little green bugs. Most times we missed, but occasionally we came up victorious.
Eden begged to hold one, and then would squeal and jump back if we tried to actually pass our grasshoppers to her. Seth caught the most, and I got a little bit of exercise chasing them down. I am so glad to be out of school for the summer so I can do these kinds of things!
Also on an unrelated note, I attempted to show Seth how to do a cartwheel in the backyard and almost pulled my back out. Don't try that at home! Stick to grasshoppers!