Goals for the New Year

I'm not going to call them "Resolutions" because in many cases, these are not new changes I hope to make.  These are simply the goals I have for this year, many of which are just continuations from last year.  So here goes (in no particular order):

1.  Read through the Bible (again), but this time chronologically.  This may seem "no duh" to you, but it was only a few years ago that I realized that the Bible was not written in chronological order.  For years I thought the events and prophecies in the end of the O.T. really happened then.  I'm hoping a chronological reading will help me with the history in the Bible.  Not to mention, it's kind of fun to take a detour partway through Genesis and read through Job!

2. Lose 8lbs.  I lost 20lbs the week Seth was born, but he left me with 8lbs of baby flab, the stubborn kind: right around my midsection.  It's gotta go.

3.  Read 6 books (on my own: non-Children's books).  I have other friends in the blogosphere who read six books in a month!  But while that sounds heavenly, my house and family would suffer if I devoted that much time to reading.  I'm shooting low so as to avoid failure.

4.  Attempt to accomplish The 365 Project.  I'll outline this in more detail in another post, but I'll just tell you right now it involves lots and lots of photos.  365 to be exact.  That's why they call it.... oh never mind. :)

5.  Make holidays and birthdays in our family more memorable and meaningful.  This one is probably the most resolution-like in the bunch.  (I'll probably devote another whole post to this one too, because I'm finding myself with too much to say about this one to fit into a single short paragraph.)  Let's just say that the first 11 years of our marriage, birthdays and holidays have been...well...a little disappointing.  Not much to distinguish them from every other day.  I'm ready for a change, and so is Josh.  More to come in another post...

6.  Grow in grace.  I'm not a very gracious or grace-filled person.  I'm a by-the-book, letter-of-the-law, uptight, bureaucratic person by nature.  I don't rely on the Lord's grace or display grace to others very much, to my shame.  With God's help, I need to work on this.  I know, I know, it's probably like praying for patience--you have to expect some adversity if you want to grow in areas like these.  But I do want to grow!   And by God's grace I can!


Carrie said…
Great goals - I always make goals/resolutions but they stay close to the same..just things I want to continue to grow and improve in. I am hoping to memorize Colossians this year, get back to blogging and journaling, grow in my prayer time, loose that baby weight from Abe still...and more. It was nice getting your January Christmas letter - I will take late a a letter any day!
Ruth said…
I am jealous that you lost 20 lbs the week he was born. I've never even lost 10lbs the week I've had a baby. Yes my extra weight is all in my middle and also has to go!
Tammy Mommy said…
I just had a fairly lengthy comment get deleted (I think) because I forgot my Google password--it's been way too long since I've updated my blog! Anyhow, I just caught up with your family and adventures a bit and love seeing your adorable boys!

One of your goals mirrors one of my own for this year--grace. I also have a fairly ambitious book list for the year, and several of them focus on that topic, particularly directed toward parenting and family life. Do you have your 6 books selected for this year? If not, I'd love to read one of them together and share our thoughts! Accountability never hurts, right? ;) I'll have a newborn soon, as well, so we can practice giving each other grace, I'm sure! Hugs, my friend!
Tammy Mommy said…
I forgot to select having follow-up comments e-mailed to me, so here I am again!

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