
About six weeks ago, Daisy had six kittens.  One was stillborn, so we were left with five.  A couple weeks ago, one got out during the night and somehow died outside.  (That's still a mystery, as it didn't look like an animal got her; we just found her dead out in the yard. ?)  So then there were four.  And what a cute and cuddly bunch they were!  There is something embedded deep in me that LOVES kittens.  As a child I had kitten calendars on my wall (followed in my teen years by ballet calendars) if that tells you anything. Those adorable photos you see of kittens in teacups just do it for me. :)

Here are Daisy's kittens:

And, a video for those of you like me who can't get enough of kittens:

A couple days ago, after the kittens displayed ability to eat kitten food (those things could EAT!) and use a litter box, we put an ad on Craigslist and gave away all four in one day.  In hindsight, I probably should have given them away one at a time over a period of a few days to give Daisy a chance to get used to the idea.  Poor thing has been crying for her kittens. :(  Spaying is probably coming right up for miss Daisy, so we don't have to go through this again!


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