31 Weeks

31 weeks.  That's me!  I had another OB appointment today, with less than good news.  In addition to the fact that I gained 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks (she said, as she stuffed another fun-sized Kit Kat bar into her mouth.  Really, I just did.), I was informed that I failed my one-hour glucose test by 7 points.  Do you know what that means?  Yup, three hour test, coming right up.  Unless, that is, I can come up with a way to get out of it.  The doctor also told me that I'm anemic, which comes as no surprise due to how tired I've been feeling, and how I can't get enough ice (craving ice is a sign of anemia).  Other than those things, I've been doing pretty well.



Carrie said…
not that its a bad thing but it really looks like you've popped quite a bit since the last picture. You can get prenatal vitamins with extra iron..I did, because I also borer-line of anemic. I always failed my one hour but then would pass my 3hour..every time, by the last time I just asked if I could skip to that once instead of taking the test twice. 31 weeks! how exciting! take care!
Ruth said…
I think the weight gain is actually good. I was concerned when you said how little you had gained. That small of a weight gain is good if you are overweight at the start of the pregnancy, but you definitely weren't overweight to start out with. I know one of my sisters was told by her OB that she needed to gain MORE weight while pg. Sorry though about the 3 hour test. I've done that test twice and really, really disliked it (especially having done it in the 1st tri this last time while I was having morning sickness). I've been anemic all 3 pgcies. If you are on iron, I highly recommend also taking colace. Lastly, just think...I gave birth at 31 weeks several weeks ago. Can you imagine giving birth this week? Oh and thanks for the cute preemie outfit. I got it in the mail this week. What a cute sweater!!! The pants are too big for Oliver right now, but hopefully he'll grow into them in the near future! :-)

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