It's A Boy!

Isn't he cute?  I love the little nose! Biased, I guess. :)  

We went for our 21 week ultrasound on Wednesday. After waiting what seemed an eternity (made longer by the fact that they make you drink 24oz of water 2 hours before the exam and then hold it AND THEN they were an hour late getting me into the room), I was at long last examined.  There was a bit of suspense at first, as the technician told me the baby's foot was in the way, but finally she said, "It's a boy!"  Praise the Lord, he looks healthy and normal.  He weighs approximately 1.2 lbs now, which is normal for this point.  That was a relief, that at least he's not huge right now.  For those that don't remember, Noah weighed 10lbs 4oz at birth, and I'm trying to avoid a repeat of that experience. :)

So that's a look at Baby Boy.  Now, here's me at 21 weeks:

Amazingly enough, though I've been pigging out on ice cream and peaches (I cannot get enough peaches!), I have only gained 6 pounds so far this pregnancy.  I feel like it's a lot more than that!

Josh was able to feel the baby move for the first time a week or two ago, and Noah got to feel him just yesterday.  There's another moment in history I wish I had documented on video.  I waited til the baby was pretty active, and then I told Noah he could put his hand on my belly to feel the baby.  Usually when you do that, inevitably the baby stops moving (why is that?), but he didn't!  There were 2 or three kicks and movements right away.  Noah's eyes got huge, and he smiled and started laughing, "I could feel the baby kick my hand! That's SO COOL!"  He was ecstatic.  I think it made this whole pregnancy thing a little more real for him.


Ruth said…
That's so odd that they have you drink water before an ultrasound. They always want me to empty my bladder before an ultrasound - that's been true for ALL the ultrasounds, and I've had on average about 3 ultrasounds a week. I'm glad baby wasn't shy so you could learn the gender. Nadia really wants to feel Oliver kick, but as you said, he always stops as soon as she puts her hand on my belly, and she's not patient enough to wait. Paul has no interest so neither one of them have felt him move yet, and I'm 28 weeks along! Many nurses, doctors, and ultrasound techs have felt him move. Oliver is a super active little guy.
Carrie said…
You look so cute and so does your little boy. Also I really love the look of your bedroom in the background. Hope your summer is going well. Keep taking care of yourself and that little guy.

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