God of Heaven

A few weeks back, Jen sang a song in church called, God of Heaven, by Heather Sorenson.  It has had such an impact on me, that I just had to post it here along with a link to the music.  You should listen to this song!

I had been struggling with my complete and utter failure as a mom over the recent days (don't take this opportunity to tell me I do a great job; I live with myself and see it firsthand! I know all the ugly truth).  What struck me in the song was the placing side-by-side of the truths of who God is:  one verse talks about how He's the author of history, next verse pictures Him as the majestic powerful One who fights our battles and to  whom all the nations bow.  And Then!  In the very next verse, He is the "God who listens, carries all our fragile dreams and heartaches, wins and failures... New beginnings freely offered"

What an encouragement!  The God of the universe knows me and loves me.  He sees me with all my flaws and offers me new beginnings freely.  That is so opposite of me, the one who likes to keep track of the failures of people, and charge dear prices for new beginnings.  Anyway.  The song brought me to tears, and I honestly hope it does for you too.  Click the link to hear the song (and see some of God's beautiful creation), and the words are printed below in case you miss them.  Don't miss them!

God of Heaven song

God of Heaven
words and music by Heather Sorenson

God of Heaven, God of all the earth and sky.
Great Creator, Master of all nature.
Who gives birth to snow from heaven,
Holds the waves at ocean's edge,
Gives the orders to the morning,
Shows each dawn its place to shine?
God of Heaven, God of all the earth and sky.

God of Ages, God who wrote the Book of Time.
Sovereign Ruler, Alpha and Omega.
Saints before, He's guided safely.
History's pages signed by Him.
Author of our days and hours; 
Things to come are held secure.
God of Ages, Alpha and Omega.

God of Power!  God who breaks the darkness.
Righteous Warrior, Champion of His children,
Goes before us into battle;
Good and evil bow to Him,
Those in bondage freed forever,
Victories won at  His command!

God who heals us, God who gives us peace and hope.
God who listens, Carries all our fragile
Dreams and heartaches, wins and failures;
Binds the broken; hides the weak.
New beginnings freely offered;
Who can make us whole again?
God who heals us, God of Power,
God of Ages, God of Heaven,
God of all the earth and sky.


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