Pearly Gray

Before the accident:

And about a month after:

While we were away on vacation last month, Noah bumped the same tooth twice within about a day's time.  Well, that tooth must have given up the ghost, because it is now a dark gray color.  I have known other children who have had a gray tooth, and it's not the end of the world, especially since this is a baby tooth and  should fall out in the next couple of years anyway.  But still, this is now what Noah looks like.  He's still my handsome little man, gray tooth and all!


Ruth said…
I know they're not supposed to turn white again, but Nadia had a tooth that was gray for a month or so and then it turned totally white again so who knows, the same might happen with Noah. The good news is (for him) that he's almost 5 years old (Nadia's incident happened shortly before she turned 3) and many kids start losing their baby teeth in Kindergarten so even if it stays gray, it won't be in his mouth too much longer.
The Stewardess said…
Oh Joanna! It has been awhile since I have been on the blog...I have seen your updates about baby boy!! on facebook. I feel terrible about Noah's tooth! I knew Samuel's head was hard, but I didn't know it was THAT hard. Thank goodness it is a baby tooth but even so I am just so so sorry that this happened as a result of their rowdy play here! No mama wants to see her baby sporting a boo boo like that. I just can't say sorry enough! I supposed we ought to get them helmets and mouth guards the next time they get together, huh? :)

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