17 Weeks

I hit 17 weeks this past Tuesday.  I cannot tell you how happy I have been to be in the second trimester these last few weeks.  This is pregnancy like I remember it to be!  Stuff to report:

1. Last Friday two people who don't know me asked if I was pregnant.  This is a big step, because it tells me that I no longer look chunky, and am starting to look pregnant.  Always a relief!  Who wants to look chunky?

2.  I have been feeling the baby move off and on for a couple of weeks.  More off than on, really, but still; it's special when it happens!

3.  I am now HUNGRY pretty much all the time.  Melon or peaches always sound good, as does just about any food group.  I'm not picky these days.

4.  I have started exercising again, which is good, except it makes me HUNGRY.  See # 3. :)

5.  Almost everyone is asking if we plan to find out if we are having a boy or a girl.  YES.  Our ultrasound appointment is July 11, and no, we will not keep it a secret.

6.  I'm still pinching myself about the fact that I am actually pregnant!  I feel as though I am going to wake up and this will all have been a dream.  That used to happen all the time--I'd have a really convincing pregnancy dream and wake up to discover I was still un-pregnant.  That was never fun.

7.  But praise the Lord, this is REAL!  Can't stop smiling. :)


Ruth said…
Ruched maternity tops help too I think. I didn't have any of those with my first two pgcies, but I have a couple of them this time, and I think they make the baby bump more obvious albeit people still don't seem to figure out that I'm pg yet (at 24w). Just a couple of days ago a man (here at the hospital) assumed I had already had my baby. Bah humbug!
Carrie said…
love your post and belly bump!

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