Spring Break

Who would have thought pre-schoolers would get a spring break?  Not me, but nevertheless this week we find ourselves not having to rush out the door every morning, and spending all day everyday together.  It's been nice actually.

Yesterday was Laundry Day, so we had Brianne and Titus come over for the morning.  That way the kids could play and I could sort, load, transfer, fold, and put away to my heart's content.

Today we went to the zoo!  Along with everyone else in Jacksonville. :)  Jen and I took our kids and a lunch and spent a beautiful couple of hours there.

Lord-willing later in the week we plan to go to Greenville, SC for our 10 year college reunion.  How is that even possible?


cj and family said…
I'm still trying to decide if I want to go to my 10-year reunion!
Carrie said…
look for my sister, Laura Brodwater (over 6 foot) she will be there too..at BJ

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