Getting There

We're coming to the crest of the hill on this IVF cycle.  My shots have been going well (as well as shots can go! I wouldn't recommend self-administered shots, just in case you were wondering), and the patches aren't too bad either, with the exception of being exceedingly itchy.  Praise the Lord, my emotions and crazy thoughts and dreams have been much tamer (more tame? Grammar, anyone?) this week as well, which I attribute to the prayers of so many of you.  Thank you for praying!!!

I heard from our nurse this afternoon, and she said it's looking like the egg retrieval will be either Tues or Wed (the 28th or 29th).  We'll know which one by Monday, Lord-willing.  If you have been praying for us, please continue!  I am getting very excited, and hope and pray and pray and hope that God will use this to grow our family.


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