Meet Daisy
Daisy came into our lives quite unexpectedly almost 3 weeks ago. We were walking in to church (we meet at a community club house), and were met by three kittens--"teenage cats" as Noah called them--who were the friendliest things I'd ever seen. The manager said they had been dropped off there and abandoned by someone that week, and he had been feeding them. He said that they were free to anyone who wanted them.
I taught my Sunday School class outside that day, and the three little children could barely concentrate on the lesson, because these cats kept coming up and rubbing on them and purring. Seriously, folks, what cat in its right mind is friendly to 3 kids ages 4 and under? I rest my case. These clearly had to be The Friendliest Cats In The World. I was smitten, and by the end of the morning, we had decided to take one home.
Now why did we name her Daisy? Earlier that week, I had sent some daisies to my mom to cheer her up in the hospital (remember her fall?), and the line from You've Got Mail kept running through my head: "Don't you think Daisies are the friendliest flowers?" So we named this kitty Daisy, because she is so friendly. Unlike our previous cat, Daisy is so good with Noah, letting him pick her up and carry her around. She puts up with his sudden loud noises and unpredictable behavior, where most cats would be hiding under the farthest corner of the bed. She really is very sweet.
I taught my Sunday School class outside that day, and the three little children could barely concentrate on the lesson, because these cats kept coming up and rubbing on them and purring. Seriously, folks, what cat in its right mind is friendly to 3 kids ages 4 and under? I rest my case. These clearly had to be The Friendliest Cats In The World. I was smitten, and by the end of the morning, we had decided to take one home.
Now why did we name her Daisy? Earlier that week, I had sent some daisies to my mom to cheer her up in the hospital (remember her fall?), and the line from You've Got Mail kept running through my head: "Don't you think Daisies are the friendliest flowers?" So we named this kitty Daisy, because she is so friendly. Unlike our previous cat, Daisy is so good with Noah, letting him pick her up and carry her around. She puts up with his sudden loud noises and unpredictable behavior, where most cats would be hiding under the farthest corner of the bed. She really is very sweet.