Open Letter

It was inevitable. With my last haircut taking place way back in the foggy memories of August, it was either get my hair cut or cut it myself. If my hair grows much past my chin, I start looking like this, only not on purpose:

It's what my hair likes to do when left to itself. Don't get me wrong, she was great in her day, but it's just not me. So this morning I marched myself to the hair salon (the bajillionth one I've tried in 8 years of living here--Josh commented to me that he doesn't think I've seen the same hairstylist twice. He's almost right!) and came out with this:

*yawns* It's okay. But definitely not what I asked for. Again. AND! This time, the lady cutting it had the exact haircut I wanted, which I thought would make things super-easy. I basically told her, "I'll have what you have." And got something entirely different. Fine, acceptable, but different.

SO. I give you an open letter to my sister-in-law:

Dear Andrea,

You are the only person on earth who has ever understood what I wanted in a haircut and done it. Would you please convince your husband to move down here and set up shop in Jacksonville? Thank you soooooooo much!



cj and family said…
LOL! :o) It looks nice though. But I must admit, your haircut in August was incredible ... and it's hard to repeat incredible. ;o)
Ruth said…
I thought your hair looked really nice when we were at Knoebels in October. I meant to tell you that back then, but I don't think I did. I think this haircut looks nice also! I understand though as I'm still struggling to find a replacement for the hairdresser I loved from 2004-2008 and then I found another one up here last year, but she up and moved to South Carolina so I'm back to trying to find a hairdresser...
Carrie said…
I also have hardly ever visited the same hairdresser. My college rommate was one of the few I loved and loved what she did with my hair. You definately should make time to see andrea more but I think you look nice reguardless...we are always so tough on ourselves.

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