Funds Are In!!
Thank you to all who prayed for the second house to sell. IT DID!!! And amazingly enough, it actually closed a day early--yesterday!
This is nothing short of miraculous in my mind. If you are aware what kind of market we are in right now, you see how impressive it is for the Lord to provide (1) a buyer (2) with funds (3) who wants to buy our buildings! Praise the Lord! I don't think I should be surprised that all of this happened literally in days rather than months, but somehow I still am. :)
Now that the funds are in, we could move right ahead with IVF. Josh and I have decided to wait one more month though, and begin Lord-willing in January. December is already a busy month without adding IVF to the mix. Also, it would be better tax-wise to wait until the New Year (something that had never crossed my mind!), and Josh wants another month to prepare and keep praying for a natural miracle.
SO we keep praying and wait to see what the Lord has in store for us! Thank you for praying with us.