One Thousand Gifts

My friend Carrie recently recommended a book to me called One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp.

Read it.

I had to say that right off the bat in case you skim the rest of my review and then move on to something else. You need to read this book! It will change the way you look at everything. It has taught me (and I'm still trying to learn it) to truly give thanks in everything, in everything to give thanks. Big things, small things, beautiful things, ugly things, all is grace from God, and all is to be given thanks for, because God has chosen everything in my life to be there on purpose, and He is all good all the time.

See what I mean? You need to read this book.

Here is a link to the trailer for One Thousand Gifts, which sums it up better than I could:

Now go reserve a copy at the library!


Carrie said…
I had borrowed the book from my mom so just yesterday I got it on our ipad! My list has reached 205... How are you doing? Glad you liked it.
Redhead Mama said…
She has a blog too called A Holy Experience. It's wonderful!

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