The Better To Hear You With, My Dear

Noah got stung by a bee yesterday on his ear. Youch! Granted, he was beating bushes where bees are known to reside, so in that sense he had it coming, but that didn't prevent me from feeling compassion for him. I've only been stung twice in my life, and they were both experiences I never want to repeat. Poor Noah, this is already his second sting, and strangely enough, it's also the second time he's been stung on his ear!

I can't quit looking at it. It's like a car accident; you just can't keep yourself from staring. He was stung on the upper lobe of his ear, but the whole thing has blown up and out to crazy proportions. He reminds me of Dopey from Snow White, bless his heart.

Noah wanted me to take a video of him spinning around, so I did, but all I could see was that big ear. I hope the swelling goes down soon--I think he's picking up radio stations with that thing! :)


Carrie said…
When Abe was 3 mo old his ear did that, it ended up being an outer ear infection (that's in the bone behind the ear). Never had heard or seen that...anyway I thought maybe you had run into the same problem. Glad it is just a bee sting, as painful as that is.

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