The Chicken or the Egg?
Though I know the answer to that age-old question "which came first?", I am experiencing a similar riddle with my diet. I know two things:
1. I am back in the middle of all my female health concerns.
2. I am not sticking to my diet as well as I could be.
I just couldn't tell you which was the cause and which was the effect or if they're even related at all. Did I start experiencing cycle issues, and so I answered the hormonal call of chocolate, bread, and dairy? Or did I first give in to temptation and thereby open the floodgate of hormonal problems? I just can't remember.
This has not been an incredibly healthy month for me. Cold, ear infection, ruptured eardrum, cycle problems, and 2 other infections which shall remain nameless....
I am at a crossroads of sorts.
It would seem I need to either quit the diet and assume it's not working at all, or become even more strict and cut out ALL foods that are questionable. Either way it seems I'm risking my sanity. :) Eating what I like excites me because I don't have to be so concerned about all the ingredients, I can start cooking one suppertime meal again, and let's face it: chocolate soothes on many levels. However, if eating what I like brings hormonal problems: well, that's just not worth it either.
What has helped me over the last month is to realize that God is still in control. Even when I feel crummy or don't know what to do or how to fix my health problems, God does. I'm praying He gives wisdom to us.
I plan this week to put a call in to the Naturopathic doctor and ask if she has any advice. I was supposed to repeat the saliva test last month, but in light of all my infections and concerns, I put it off. I'll ask if it's even worth it to take that test, and where to go from here. I do believe she is saved, so hopefully God will give her wisdom in knowing how to help me.
I need all the help I can get! :)
1. I am back in the middle of all my female health concerns.
2. I am not sticking to my diet as well as I could be.
I just couldn't tell you which was the cause and which was the effect or if they're even related at all. Did I start experiencing cycle issues, and so I answered the hormonal call of chocolate, bread, and dairy? Or did I first give in to temptation and thereby open the floodgate of hormonal problems? I just can't remember.
This has not been an incredibly healthy month for me. Cold, ear infection, ruptured eardrum, cycle problems, and 2 other infections which shall remain nameless....
I am at a crossroads of sorts.
It would seem I need to either quit the diet and assume it's not working at all, or become even more strict and cut out ALL foods that are questionable. Either way it seems I'm risking my sanity. :) Eating what I like excites me because I don't have to be so concerned about all the ingredients, I can start cooking one suppertime meal again, and let's face it: chocolate soothes on many levels. However, if eating what I like brings hormonal problems: well, that's just not worth it either.
What has helped me over the last month is to realize that God is still in control. Even when I feel crummy or don't know what to do or how to fix my health problems, God does. I'm praying He gives wisdom to us.
I plan this week to put a call in to the Naturopathic doctor and ask if she has any advice. I was supposed to repeat the saliva test last month, but in light of all my infections and concerns, I put it off. I'll ask if it's even worth it to take that test, and where to go from here. I do believe she is saved, so hopefully God will give her wisdom in knowing how to help me.
I need all the help I can get! :)