Birthday Mania
With Noah's birthday just 6 days away, the little guy is letting everyone (and I do mean everyone) know about his approaching big day. Only he has no concept of time, so it comes out like this:
"Did you know it's my birthday? My birthday is on Wednesday. So tomorrow is Friday and after that it will be next Wednesday soon, and that will be my birthday."
Clear as mud.
This is the first year he has been eagerly anticipating it, and it kind of took me by surprise. Ever since Brianne's birthday last week, he has been So Excited for his own birthday, which he knows is in July as well. Up until this year I have been able to get by with waiting until the actual day before telling him that we will have cake and ice cream, and giving him a gift. We have managed to keep it very low-key, and invited only family.
Not this year.
Not this year.
Before I could stop him, I heard Noah announcing to all his neighborhood friends yesterday that he wants them to come to his birthday. (He never said "party" interestingly enough.) So now, my almost-four-year-old has invited half the neighborhood to his birthday. I guess it's time to plan! I think what we'll do is invite those children, plus our family for cake and ice cream one evening next week.
Noah's birthday list is a mile long, also a first this year. He had been keeping it simple; items such as a sword, a bow and arrow, a gun.... and then today he asked me for a chainsaw. I told him he already had one (Matt and Jen gave him a toy one for his 2nd birthday), and he said he wanted a "real" one. I told him that "real" chainsaws are "real" dangerous, and said maybe for his 19th birthday he could have a chainsaw. Maybe.
So this is yet another reminder that my boy is growing up. Able to create birthday lists and invite party guests, and next thing I know he will be 19 for real and reminding me that I said he could have a chainsaw. He will, too; you just watch! The memory on that boy is astounding.
Hopefully through this blog, mine will be too. *Sniff*